
Dela implementa nuevas tecnologías con Zoho CRM, Desk, Campaigns y Sign

Implementación,  capacitación y soporte técnico remoto en Zoho CRM, Zoho Desk, Zoho Campaigns y Zoho Sign. 

Uno de sus principales objetivos como empresa es convertirse en una compañía “Clase Mundial” implementndo técnicas y tecnología de Industria 4.0. Siempre teniendo como foco la experiencia y satisfacción de sus clientes.

DESAFÍO “Dinámica Manual”

Previously, their way of working was through the use of local databases on servers, with manual loading and querying processes that made them dependent on human and batch tasks. 

The planning of commercial actions was done reactively and by analyzing long lists or Excel spreadsheets to obtain indicators and make decisions.

Many customer service processes were carried out manually, with only telephone and email support.

The main challenges to be solved were: reducing response time to customers, having reduced information in real time for commercial action planning and strategic decision making.

In addition, they sought to achieve:

  • Detect and identify more and better leads.
  • To provide tools to sales representatives to plan their actions and reduce time in administrative tasks.
  • Have a 360-degree view of your customers' business to offer the right solution at the right time, improving commercial performance and profitability.

STRATEGY AND SOLUTION: "Change is coming to us".

It is at that moment when the sales department identified that it was time to make a change, so they chose Zoho, finding a differential in the easy modular customization, in the capacity of integration and local support and in the online documentation and support.

Hernán tells us that the implementation process was gradual, where the cultural change was the main challenge, but it allowed his employees to make better use of their time in high-value tasks. 

“Comenzamos con Zoho CRM sobre el cual construimos la base de cuentas y contactos, automatizando varios procesos de gestión de los mismos. Luego incorporamos herramientas de contacto y soporte como Sales IQ, Zoho Desk, Zoho Campaigns y Social” Hernán Bigorra, Gerente Comercial, Delga.

How was the process of incorporating more applications from the Zoho system?

“Fuimos incorporando otras aplicaciones Zoho a medida que fuimos escalando en el uso del CRM. Actualmente usamos herramientas como Zoho Sign y Zoho Desk con los departamentos de ingeniería y calidad”. Hernán Bigorra, Gerente Comercial, Delga.

Hernán adds that one of the main changes in the dynamics of their work was that they no longer had to go to the information to find what they needed, but rather the information came to them.

How did Etixen's attention influence you, and what do you value most about us?

“La Atención fue buena y rápida, siempre han estado a disposición cuando los necesitamos, con una comunicación clara y honesta en las consultas que realizamos.” Hernán Bigorra, Gerente Comercial, Delga.


  • They have clearer information for decision making and strategy design.
  • They achieved greater order in the administrative processes.
  • Your employees have more time to perform valuable tasks and motivation has increased.


¿Tienen objetivos a futuro con las herramientas? 

Si, el camino aún está empezando. Tenemos varios desafíos por delante, como integrar portales e incorporar la gestión de Cotizaciones y órdenes de ventas que actualmente hacemos con un ERP.” Hernán Bigorra, Gerente Comercial, Delga.

Delga ya triunfó en sus objetivos junto a Etixen. Si estás buscando alcanzar el éxito de tu empresa, comunícate con nosotros, y a la par, llegaremos a tu meta.

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